Online Coaching Program

At Enjee fit, we understand that not everyone can attend our gym classes and facilities at scheduled time slots on a daily basis. This is why we are offering you the chance to train at a time that suits you best, where ever and when ever - whilst being able to follow a structured training program to suit your fitness abilities in order to reach your goals.

  • Tailored monthly training programming (home or gym based)
  • Tailored nutrition, and diet advice allowing you to reach your goals whilst living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
  • Weekly check-ins in order to help with your adherance.
  • Recipe book with convenient ideads for prepping low calorie foods. No restrictions or eliminations of any food groups.
  • 2 way support network via Whatsapp or e-mail.

To ask us a question today, fill out the contact form on this page, and we will be in touch!

Online Coaching Contact Form

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